Given the root of a binary tree, imagine yourself standing on the right side of it, return the values of the nodes you can see ordered from top to bottom.
- initial thought and implementation was bfs, traverse right child
- bfs more suited as it pushes all right child instead of going right branch only
// from solutions// (root) {constresult= [];constqueue= [];if (root ===null) return result;queue.push(root);while (queue.length!==0) {let size =queue.length;// console.log(queue)for (let i =0; i < size; i++) {let n =queue.shift();// only pushing, right node [left, right] in queue, or if it's the only node, e.g index 0if (i === size -1) result.push(n.val);if (n.left !==null) queue.push(n.left);if (n.right !==null) queue.push(n.right); } }return result;};